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6 Homemade Moisturizing Face Mask Recipes

With winter, your skin itches, pulls, and burns. She is attacked and has minor redness. As you know, all these signs are the consequence...

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite: Diet And Physical Activity

Cellulitis Or Panniculopathy? Cellulite is a condition that affects the dermis, the layer of skin located under the epidermis, and mainly develops on the thighs,...

Diet Awakens Metabolism: What And When To Eat

What Is Meant By Metabolism? Metabolism means the set of all the chemical and biochemical reactions in our body to transform the food we eat...

Whole Cane Sugar: Properties, Calories, Nutritional Values

Sugar, or sucrose, is a disaccharide that dramatically affects human metabolism; whole cane sugar contains a lower percentage of sucrose than regular sugar and...

Mediterranean Diet: 5 Recipes To Get Back In Shape

Here are five recipes from the Mediterranean tradition, revisited in the light version and complete with calorie counting, to get you back in shape...

Supplements For The Eyes, What They Are & When To Take Them

Natural eye supplements, such as foods that contain vitamin A or ginkgo Biloba, are helpful for infections, eye disorders such as cataracts, and numerous...

Sciatic Nerve And Vitamin B12: What’s The Link?

Is there a direct link between a lack of vitamin B12 stores and sciatic nerve pain? It would seem so. The so-called sciatic nerve...

Dizziness In Pregnancy And Their Remedies

Dizziness is a typical complaint during the nine months of gestation. When dizziness, high sweating, tachycardia, and, even if more rarely, fainting take us...

Sesame Oil: Characteristics, Properties, And Use

Sesame oil, extracted from the seeds of the  Sesamum Indicum plant, is rich in oleic acid and linoleic acid and numerous minerals such as...

Better Water And Drinks For Children

Plain water is the best drink for all children. It is sugar-free, promotes joint, bone, and tooth health and development promotes good blood circulation,...

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