
vitamins - search results

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Calorie Table Fruit: So Many Calories Are In Apples, Strawberries & Co.

Calorie Table Fruit: Fruit is healthy and contains many important vitamins and minerals. But what about the calories? Can you eat as much fruit...

Calories In Meat: What To Look Out For

Calories In Meat: Many people find one thing difficult when reducing calories or dieting: reducing meat consumption. The meaty temptations waiting for us on...

Healthy Eating: 10 Simple Rules For Everyday Life

A healthy diet sounds like lot of work & little fun to many people. But these 10 rules, is child's play to have healthy...

Superfood Nuts: This Is Why Walnuts, Peanuts & Co. Are So Healthy

For a long time, they were considered fattening. Nuts are absolute nutrient all-rounders and healthy! Want to do something good for your body? Then...

Superfood Avocado: How Healthy Is The Fruit?

The avocado may be a natural fat bomb, but it is incredibly healthy! We'll tell you here why the avocado is so good for...

So Healthy! That Is Why We Should Eat More Olive Oil

Olive oil not only tastes particularly good but also considered particularly healthy. & best of all: the oil also suitable for skin and hair. Olive...

10 Basic Foods That Help Against Acidity

Acidity: What makes alkaline foods, and how can you bring your body back into balance with them? We'll tell you the advantages, and what...

Stomach Ache: These Are The Best Light Food Recipes

Are you struggling with gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, nausea, or Stomach Ache? Diets can provide relief. Here you will find the best, light...

10 Ingenious Foods That Will Keep You Full For A Long Time

Ingenious Foods: The point of good Food? They should keep us full for long time. they can do that, they should be particularly high...

The Fat-Away Plan: The 10 Best Tips For A Low-Cholesterol Diet

"You need to be on a low-cholesterol diet from now on." If the doctor says these words, realize that some things have to change,...

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