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How To Get Rid Of Brittle Fingernails: 5 Tips That Work Wonders!

Brittle Fingernails: Split & constantly breaking nails be annoying. But no need to despair - we have five beauty tips that will help you,...

Good To Know: How Much Fat A Day Is Okay?

Fat A Day: Carbohydrates are declared enemy number 1 in low carb but fat Is bad reputation. People who want lose weight often ask...

Body Mass Index: How Much Body Weight Is Healthy?

BMI is the abbreviation for the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the body mass index. But what is the BMI? How do you...

Zinc In Food: Makes You Beautiful And Healthy

Zinc is a beautiful mineral. But you should not only eat foods with zinc to do something good for your skin and hair. Zinc...

Calorie Table Fruit: So Many Calories Are In Apples, Strawberries & Co.

Calorie Table Fruit: Fruit is healthy and contains many important vitamins and minerals. But what about the calories? Can you eat as much fruit...

Calories In Meat: What To Look Out For

Calories In Meat: Many people find one thing difficult when reducing calories or dieting: reducing meat consumption. The meaty temptations waiting for us on...

Make Us Fit & Beautiful: You Should Know About Vitamins!

Vitamins not only make you beautiful, but they also ensure that your body functions properly. There was supposed to have been a time, when...

Healthy Eating: 10 Simple Rules For Everyday Life

A healthy diet sounds like lot of work & little fun to many people. But these 10 rules, is child's play to have healthy...

Biting Your Fingernails: These Tips Can Help You Break It Down

Are you annoyed by your nibbled fingernails? We'll tell you which tricks and products you can use to get rid of the annoying biting,...

Drink More: 5 Tricks That Motivate You To Drink Water

Is water healthy but too dull for you? Here, you will find out how to drink water more without being thirsty and make drinking...

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