
diet - search results

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What Helps Against Sore Muscles? The Five Best Tricks

Sport is known to be good – until you somehow overdo it. Then it takes revenge with nasty sore muscles. What to do? Was...

Losing Weight With Coconut Oil: Does It Make You Slim?

If you believe the reviews online, coconut oil is said to be a real slimming miracle. Just one tablespoon a day is said to...

Protein Bread: Does This Bread Make You Lean?

Protein bread contains few carbohydrates but a lot of protein and should help you lose weight. We'll tell you what's behind it, and have...

30-Day Arm Challenge: Declare War On The Flabby Waving Arms!

It's time for an effective arm workout without weights! We'll show you how. (With training plan to print out). It's the weekend, and you're...

30-Day Leg Challenge: Get Toned Legs In 1 Month!

Firm legs carry you everywhere and look damn good! So let it burn: With this training plan for the leg challenge, every day becomes...

4-Week Burpee Challenge: One Exercise, Maximum Success

Train the whole body with one exercise - it's possible! But only if you're not afraid of sweat... Because it's guaranteed to flow, in...

Real Lightweights: Healthy Snacks With A Maximum Of 100 kcal

We all know it: During the diet, we manage to eat healthy for breakfast, lunch, dinner. But the time between these meals is quite...

Anti-Aging Care Routine: This Is How You Can Increase The Effect

Have you ever wondered how serum, day cream, and co. are they applied correctly? Here you will find all the tricks, to increase your...

Pancakes Without Flour: Ingenious Pancake Recipes

Fancy delicious pancakes but no flour at home? Never mind, we will show you delicious recipes for pancakes without flour. From juicy and fruity...

Heartburn? These Home Remedies Help Against Them

It burns like fire and is quite uncomfortable: heartburn has become an actual common ailment. But medication is often not necessary, because there are...

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