
diet - search results

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Nitrites And Nitrates In food: What Are The Effects On Our Health

Nitrites and nitrates in foods play an essential role in the formation of human diseases. Let's see the studies conducted at the local and...

Bad Smell In The Armpits: Causes And Remedies

Find out what causes foul odors in the armpits due to sweating and how to fight them. There are several body odors, such as...

How To Have Significant And Strong Nails?

Like other parts of the human body, it is essential to take some care to ensure significant and strong nails. After all, when they...

The Differences That Can Happen In Black Skin

Due to the high level of melanin in the skin, it is common to think that people with black skin do not need to...

Facial Schedule: Learn How To Take Care Of Your Face Daily

Facial Schedule: Primarily, we cannot forget our daily commitments, both professional and personal obligations. Some people, however, are careless with the staff, which results...

Hair Health: Discover Biotin And What It Can Do

Hair Health: In addition to following a balanced diet and focusing on the practice of daily exercises for a healthy life, the aesthetic concern...

Five Important Steps To Prevent Skin Aging

Skin Aging: Having healthy and youthful-looking skin seems like a distant goal for many. Still, it is possible to have well-groomed skin and slow...

Heart Health: Why Do Cardiology Exams Regularly?

Heart Health: Prevention is always the best medicine when it comes to health, including when it comes to the functioning of the heart. Therefore,...

Tense? The Answer For This Is A Massage Gun

Massage guns are considered a new miracle weapon against tension and are currently hyped on various social media channels like crazy. Find out more...

Weight Gain During Pregnancy: How Much Is Healthy?

Many are happy that they can now eat whatever their heart desires. But is that true? What about weight gain during pregnancy? When you're...

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