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Supplements For The Eyes, What They Are & When To Take Them

Natural eye supplements, such as foods that contain vitamin A or ginkgo Biloba, are helpful for infections, eye disorders such as cataracts, and numerous...

Sciatic Nerve And Vitamin B12: What’s The Link?

Is there a direct link between a lack of vitamin B12 stores and sciatic nerve pain? It would seem so. The so-called sciatic nerve...

Acne: What It Is And The Best Remedies To Prevent And Treat It

Mild or moderate acne can be treated with specific supplements or creams, gels, and lotions applied to the skin. Acne is a condition that...

Do You Gain Weight After A Tummy Tuck?

If you wonder if you gain weight after a tummy tuck, you are either considering undergoing this treatment or experiencing a slight weight gain...

Dizziness In Pregnancy And Their Remedies

Dizziness is a typical complaint during the nine months of gestation. When dizziness, high sweating, tachycardia, and, even if more rarely, fainting take us...

Antioxidants: What Are They, And What Functions Do They Have?

Antioxidants are substances of plant origin capable of counteracting free radical damage and preventing disease.  Surely you have heard many times about foods rich...

Green Apple And Oats For A Stronger Heart

Besides being good for your health, apples and oats are two versatile foods to combine and prepare in various ways. You may forget two...

Drinking Coffee Is Good For The Heart!

"Ah, what a beautiful o' cafe!" Sang De André. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, second only to water...

Physical Activity To Control Diabetes

To treat type 2 diabetes mellitus, it is essential to associate a specific diet with a reduced sugar content with a specific pharmacological therapy...

12 Tips For Losing Your Saddlebags

Fat accumulates in the body with a sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet. Some areas gain volume before others, such as the hips, upper...

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