Calorie Table Fruit: Fruit is healthy and contains many important vitamins and minerals. But what about the calories? Can you eat as much fruit as you want? Here is the fruit calorie table with the most popular fruits.
Fruits, in particular, are a good source of vitamins, as they are usually eaten raw, and no important vitamins are lost during the cooking process. We should eat three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit every day. We are well supplied with vitamins, minerals, and secondary plant substances if we stick to them.
But if you pay attention to your weight or want to lose weight, you are, of course, interested in the calorie content of the fruit. Because: Fruit has more calories than vegetables. The kilocalories of the fruits are based on their high fructose content. Fat, on the other hand, plays practically no role in fruit. But how many calories are actually in it? We have a calorie table with the most popular fruits for those who want to know exactly.
Calorie Table Fruit: Stone Fruits
Stone fruits are delicious and are part and parcel of summer. The calorie table shows: This fruit is also quite low in calories. Take it easy!
Fruit Calories Per 100 g
Apricot: 43 kcal
Sour cherry: 53 kcal
Sweet cherry: 62 kcal
Mango: 57 kcal
Mirabelle: 63 kcal
Nectarine: 56 kcal
Peach: 41 kcal
Plum: 48 kcal
Calorie Table Fruit: Berry Fruits
Berry fruits are by far the lowest calorie fruits if you look at the calorie table for fruits. Strawberries, in particular, are great for anyone who wants to lose weight.
Fruit Calories Per 100 g
Blackberry: 44 kcal
Cranberry: 35 kcal
Strawberry: 32 kcal
Blueberry: 36 kcal
Raspberry: 34 kcal
Red currant: 33 kcal
blackcurrant: 39 kcal
Gooseberry: 37 kcal
Fun fact: from a botanical point of view, the avocado is a berry fruit. Therefore, the avocado is the freshest fruit with the highest calories and provides around 221 kcal per 100 g.
The Ten Lowest Calorie Fruits
Fruit Calories Per 100 g
Strawberries: 32 kcal
Papaya: 32 kcal
Red currants: 33 kcal
Raspberries: 34 kcal
Guava: 34 kcal
Lemon: 35 kcal
Blueberries: 36 kcal
Watermelon: 38 kcal
Grapefruit: 38 kcal
Quinces: 38 kcal
Calorie Table Fruit: Pome Fruit
Some fruits such as apples and pears are available all year round. Apples are the favorite fruit because they taste good, are healthy, and stay fresh for a long time compared to berries and other fruits. The fruit calorie table shows that apples are also quite low in calories. You have 54 kcal per 100 g. An average apple with 125 g comes to 68 kcal.
Fruit Calories Per 100 g
Apple: 54 kcal
Pear: 55 kcal
Quince: 38 kcal
Fruit Calorie Table: Exotic Fruits & Citrus Fruits
Do bananas make you fat? Of course, that’s not true, but the calorie table shows that with 88 kcal per 100 g, bananas are a higher-calorie fruit. Most of the other exotic fruits are lower in calories. The big exception: fresh dates.
Fruit Calories Per 100 g
Pineapple: 55 kcal
Banana: 88 kcal
Clementine /
Mandarina: 46 kcal
Coward: 61 kcal
Pomegranate: 74 kcal
Grapefruit: 38 kcal
Guava: 34 kcal
Honeydew melon: 54 kcal
Kiwi: 51 kcal
Papaya: 32 kcal
Watermelon: 37 kcal
Grapes: 70 kcal
Lemon: 35 kcal
The Ten Most High-Calorie Fresh Fruits
Fruit Calories Per 100 g
Banana: 88 kcal
Pomegranate: 74 kcal
Grapes: 70 kcal
Sweet cherries: 62 kcal
fresh figs: 61 kcal
Mango: 57 kcal
Nectarines: 56 kcal
Pineapple: 55 kcal
Pear: 55 kcal
Apples: 54 kcal
Calorie Table Fruit: Dried Fruit
During dried fruits, the water is withdrawn from the fruit. Plenty of fructose remains. Therefore, it is not surprising that dried fruits are at the top of the fruit calorie table when it comes to high-calorie fruits.
Dried fruits contain around 250 kcal per 100 g. Access is still allowed from time to time because dried fruits contain important minerals such as potassium.
Fruit Calories Per 100 g
Apple: 248 kcal
Apricot 239 kcal
Banana: 289 kcal
Cranberry: 312 kcal
Date: 276 kcal
Coward: 250 kcal
Plum: 218 kcal
Raisin: 290 kcal
Fruits with few calories usually contain less sugar, i.e., fewer carbohydrates, instead of water and fiber. You shouldn’t worry too much about the calorie content of fruit if you go overboard (except for dried fruit, of course).
An Important Note At The End:
An active lifestyle with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is still the best way to stay fit and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.
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